Albrecht research meetings
Any UCD student, researcher or faculty member is welcome at my weekly research meetings. This is a great way to learn more about my research, especially if your are considering doing research with me. I do not have a problem with people only showing up occasionally if that is all fits with your schedule/interests.
QJC: Starting in fall 2019 I will also be participating in the quantum journal club which. As I write this these are scheduled to take place on occasional Wednesdays 2:30-4pm. You can visit this page to get on the QJC mailing list (note you must log in to google using your UCD credentials for this one).
For my regular research meetings I send announcements out prior to each meeting by email (and I also send emails at the start of each quarter to organize our meeting times). To receive them subscribe to the cosmology group meeting mailing list here, and/or the QMAP mailing list here. (I might broadcast an announcement to only one list, or to both, depending on the relevance to the different groups.)
The above meetings operate at an advanced level (typically at least that of advanced physics graduate students). Still, I welcome students at a less advanced level to attend and observe these meetings if they find it at all helpful (observing these meetings, as well as advanced seminars etc. can help you decide future directions of study, for example). Undergrads with less advanced training should also consider the activities of the UCD Physics club and the UCD Astronomy Club which offer excellent resources.
Students, postdocs and faculty who do not normally attend my research meetings are invited to request a special one-off topic to be addressed in one of these meeting. Say, a topic they are trying to learn about cosmology, QIS etc. This is on offer to anyone in my UCD community, and the invitation is especially extended to students who have taken classes from me and who are curious to learn more about a particular topic.