Ways to connect

This page outlines ways individuals can connect with me and my UCD colleagues to learn more about topics discussion on my pages, as well as related physics and astronomy research. I call out special opportunities for UCD students.

  • The UCD Physics Club runs various outreach events, including prizewinning Picnic Day physics shows. UCD STUDENTS can join the club and engage in many ways.
  • The UCD Astronomy Club runs public viewings and organizes fun trips for UCD STUDENTS
  • Physics and Astronomy department public events.
  • QMAP occasionally organizes public lectures and "QMAP Q&A" events for the public. UCD STUDENTS help organize some of these events through the Physics Club (see above).
  • UCD STUDENTS who major in Physics and Astronomy have access to a rich curriculum with many opportunities to dig deeper into these topics.
  • The department offers an interesting array of courses for non-majors as well.